Friday July 5th, 2019

St. Anne’s College, University of Oxford

Registration from 08h30 in Ruth Deech Building Foyer (RDB)

All sessions and the AGM will take place in the Tsuzuki Lecture Theatre, Ruth Deech Building (RDB)

Please click on the relevant links for the Keynote Abstracts, Presentation Abstracts and Poster Abstracts.


09h00 – 09h15   Welcome

09h15 – 10h15 – Holly Joseph, University of Reading: “Learning new words through reading in children who speak English as an additional language”

10h15 – 10h45  Tea/Coffee

Time Speaker and Title
10h45-11h15 Developing disciplinary reading literacies in secondary education

Yvonne Halleson and Pia Visén

11h15–11h45 Incidental word learning from print: The role of semantic diversity and contextual familiarity.

Matthew Hc Mak, Yaling Hsiao and Kate Nation

11h45-12h15 Development in children’s written grammar from key stages one to four

Philip Durrant


12h30 – 14h00   BUFFET LUNCH (in RDB FOYER) + POSTERS 

  1. Calibration of comprehension and text processing: A mixed-methods approach to the effects of concept mapping and summarization. Nour Eldhouda Toumi
  2. L2 (English) spelling is positively correlated with L2 vocabulary size, but not with a measure that putatively taps visual statistical learning. Matthew Hc Mak, Chen Qiu and Kathy K.M. Shum
  3. Metacognition-Metacognitive knowledge and strategy use: Towards a model of a ‘good’ EFL listener. Tasnima Aktar
  4. Developing teachers’ readings of students’ language in the science classroom. Sally Zacharias

13h00-14h0  AGM

Time Speaker and Title
14h00–14h30 Enhancing English vocabulary in L2 learners attending English medium preschools

Kathy Sylva, Jette Karemaker, Fiona Jelley and Victoria Murphy

14h30–15h00 Knowledge and processing components at lexical and sublexical levels as predictors of EFL silent reading rate – A longitudinal study

Junko Yamashita and Toshihiko Shiotsu

15h00 – 15h30 Scaffolding academic reading in higher education:  Communicating expectations and modelling engagement

Rachel Burke

15h30 – 16h00     Tea/coffee

Time Speaker and Title
16h00-16h30 Leisure reading (but not any kind) and reading comprehension support each other – A longitudinal study across grades 1 and 9

Minna Torppa

16h30-17h00 What is the quality of evidence for reading intervention studies?  A systematic review of small-group reading support programmes

Wai Tung Leung and Suzy J. Styles

17h00 – 18h00  Kate Nation, University of Oxford:“Charting the development of lexical quality in children’s reading development”

18h00 – 18h15 Close