Final Programme Aston 2018

LKALE SIG Programme

27-28 April 2018, Aston University


(Rooms MB404C and MB404D)

9.00-10.15 Registration
10.15-10.30 Welcome
10.30-11.15 Kamil Trzebiatowski (KTLangspec EAL Training):

“What do secondary teachers know about grammar?”

11.15-12.00 Teachers from Birmingham and Reading:

“Teaching grammar in the context of developing language and literacy across the curriculum (LLAC) initiatives in secondary school settings: two case studies”

12.00-12.15 Coffee break
12.15-13.15  Helen Norris:

“Children’s learning of grammar at KS2: the roles of explicit and incidental exposure”

(Abstract: Norris_LKALE Aston 2018)


Agneta Svalberg:

“A visual, cognitive-functional approach to the mastery of tense and aspect in English”

(Abstract: Svalberg_LKALE Aston 2018)

13.15-14.00 Lunch
14.00-14.45 Caitriona Fleming (UK Houses of Parliament):

Engaging UK Parliamentarians with your research”



Ian Cushing and Rebecca Kellaway:

“Text world theory in the secondary school classroom”

15.45-16.00 Coffee Break
16.00 -17.00 Nick Moore & Judy Axelby:

“Playing catch-up: Linguistic Knowledge about Language in Tertiary Education”

(Abstract: Moore & Axelby_LKALE Aston 2018)

Dan Clayton:

“Revitalising language study in the secondary English curriculum”

(Abstract: Clayton_LKALE Aston 2018)

17.00 AGM


(Rooms MB404C and MB404D)

10.00-10.45  Gee Macrory (Manchester Metropolitan University):

“What do MFL students and teachers need to know about language?”

10.45-11.30 Kerstin Mehler (MAZEM):

Outreach in linguistics: Working with educators”

11.30-11.45 Coffee break
11.45-12.45 Kit Lawson:

“What do you mean, a verb is not a doing word? “

(Abstract: Lawson_LKALE Aston 2018)

Huw Bell & Steph Ainsworth:

“What we know about when we know about grammar: problems of assessing knowledge of grammatical terminology”

(Abstract: Bell_Ainsworth_LKALE Aston 2018)

12.45-13.30 LUNCH
13.30-14.30  Michelle Stanley:

“Using LiLAC to take SFL into the classroom”

(Abstract: Stanley_LKALE Aston 2018)

Victorina González-Díaz , Mark Brenchley & Phil Durrant:

“The Noun Phrase in children’s narrative writing: Then and now”

(Abstract: Gonzalez et al_LKALE Aston 2018)

14.30-14.45 Coffee break
14.45-15.30 Claire Acevedo (The Open University):

“Scaffolding curriculum learning: a pedagogy for teaching knowledge about language (KAL)”

15.30-16.15 Lindsey Thomas (Buckinghamshire Learning Trust):

“The Buckinghamshire WRITE project”

16.45 Wrap-up